August 03, 2006

What we're all about

While I am going to heavily remodel this site in the coming weeks, I may as well get into the groove and update regularly. They say google likes you more if you update several times a day.

This is going to be a quasi-humorous site. I am going to write to make myself (and you... but mostly myself) laugh. It is sort of interesting to see how some many of the most successful blogs (political, news) seem to be aimed at making us cry. Maybe that's just the world in which we live.

I'm not only going to make fun of myself, and silly things I see around me (and on the net) every day, but I'm also going to try to post relevant links that I find. While sites like delicious are nice, I find them to be a bit impersonal, so I'll try to give these things a warmer edge. You may want to check out my profile to find out what kind of things I'm into, and if I sound like your kinda guy, stick around, see what I got.

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